There are many surface and borehole geophysical methods available to investigate and solve subsurface problems. Among the methods commonly employed by Quality Geophysics to solve a variety of client problems are:
- Utility mapping
- Underground storage tank locating
- Unexploded ordnance (UXO)
- Voids/tunnels
- Landfill delineation
- Dissolved contaminant plume mapping
- Soil salinity
- Landfill boundary mapping
- Landfill bottom evaluation
- Archaeological investigations
- Bedrock rippability
- Light (Non-aqueous) Phase Liquid Contaminant (LNAPL) Plume Mapping
- Pile integrity testing
- Power system grounding
- Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Groundwater Resource Investigation
- Depth to water table
- Fault zone mapping
- Sinkholes
- Soil properties
- Dam/lagoon leakage
- Saltwater intrusion
- Buried drum delineation
- Septic tank/system locating
- Abandoned well locating
- Trench boundary mapping
- Grave locating
- Electromagnetic field (EMF) mapping
- Crosshole surveys
- Engineering Properties
- Pavement Analysis